What Contributes to Shoulder Instability? Shoulder instability often emerges as the result of accidental or overuse injuries that strain the shoulder. Causes of shoulder instability Shoulder instability occurs when the top of the bone in the upper arm (known as the humeral head) is no longer resting in the shoulder socket. The shoulder joint is […]
One of the most common conditions of the hand or wrist is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition is centered within the nerves in the wrist. Running through the center of the wrist into the hand is a nerve called the median nerve. If this nerve becomes squeezed or compressed in any way, it […]
Medial Versus Lateral Epicondylitis Medial and lateral epicondylitis are both painful conditions that commonly affect the elbows of different athletes. This article will help you better understand both conditions and their recommended treatments. What’s the difference between medial and lateral epicondylitis? On either side of the elbow joint are bony bumps that connect to the […]
Distal Radius Fracture A distal radius fracture is the most common bone to break in the arm. The radius is the bigger of the two bones on your forearm. The end of the bone towards your wrist is called the distal end. A distal radius fracture occurs when you break the area on the radius […]
Biceps tendon injuries can take different forms depending on the cause of injury. This article will give you a better idea of how biceps tendon injuries can develop and what can be done about them. Causes of biceps tendon injuries The bicep is the front muscle in the upper arm. Two tendons connect the bicep […]