Types of Scoliosis


Scoliosis is a deformity that involves the curvature of the spine. It affects all three planes of the body: coronal (bisecting the front and back of the body), saggital (bisecting right and left), and axial (bisecting top and bottom.) Scoliosis is one of the spine disorders that can occur in both children and adults. In this blog, you’ll learn the basics […]

Spine Disorders: Diagnosing Common Deformities


The spine is an important and complex part of the human anatomy, supporting the entire body and allowing us to move. It follows that spine disorders can have significant impact on a person’s movement and functioning. Spine disorders can affect both children and adults. The likely course of treatment depends on what condition you’re diagnosed with […]

Lumbar Arthroplasty or Total Disc Replacement


Some lumbar spine conditions may require surgery. There are many different spine surgery procedures and specific options for cases in which lumbar spine surgery is needed. One type of surgery is total disc replacement. This article covers lumbar arthroplasty using an Artificial Disc. Goals of Lumbar Arthroplasty The goals of lumbar total disc replacement are to: Maintain […]

5 Conditions That May Require Lumbar Spine Surgery


If you have pain in your lumbar spine — or low back — you may be worried you need to have surgery. Many times, back pain can be treated using non-surgical methods, such as rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication, walking or exercise and physical therapy. In some cases, steroid injections can help. Typically your orthopedic doctor will assign […]

Lumbar Spine Anatomy 101


In this post, we’ll cover the basics of lumbar spine anatomy. The lumbar spine is in the lower back (whereas the cervical spine anatomy refers to the neck region). This curved part of the spine helps support and move the body, and is made up of interlocking bones called vertebrae, ligaments and nerves. The lumbar spine contains: 5 vertebrae: L1-L5 (referring […]

Three Neck Pain Causes and Treatments


Determining which of the neck pain causes is involved is the first step to establishing an effective treatment plan. Treatment for problems affecting the neck – or cervical spine – range from rest and over-the-counter medication to spinal surgery. It’s best to work closely with an experienced orthopedic specialist to build a customized course of treatment. This […]