Big Toe Cartilage Replacement as an Arthritis Treatment


Every step is agony when you have pain and swelling in the big toe. It’s very demoralizing to lose the ability to walk comfortably. Many people don’t realize how hard the big toe works, bearing the weight of our body when we stand and maintaining our balance, until it starts to ache and becomes difficult […]

Ask Your Doctor About This New Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis & Tendon Pain


Maybe the pain is in your elbow or your knee or your ankle. No matter what you’ve tried it doesn’t go away. You’ve talked to your doctor and followed their recommended treatments, but every day the pain is still there. It’s hard to perform your daily activities. Your doctor says you have tendinosis, a deterioration […]

Posted in MOC

Cartiva® SCI, the Newest Alternative in Treating Big Toe Arthritis


Perhaps you thought you just strained or stubbed your toe and the pain and swelling would go away. But as it persists, you suspect it’s something more. A trip to the orthopedics office confirms your fears: you have arthritis in your toe joint. Your doctor explains that the cartilage on the ends of your toe’s bones has […]

Don’t Let Pain Ruin Your Volleyball Game


Whether playing competitively or just in the backyard, volleyball is a fun sport for players of all ages and skill levels. The only downside is that like other sports, volleyball does come with a risk of injury. Given the nature of the game, the most common volleyball injuries likely aren’t hard to guess: shoulder overuse, […]

What You Need to Know About Stress Fracture Symptoms and Causes


What is a stress fracture? Stress fractures are very small cracks in a bone. They’re usually caused by an increase in physical activity that puts stress on your bones, like a new workout routine or training for a marathon. The increased stress on your bones can cause them to crack under the pressure. Stress fractures […]

Running Hurts My Knees. What Can I Do About It?


It’s not a myth: Running is tough on your knees. Whether you’re a newbie starting a couch-to-5K program or you’re a veteran ultra-marathoner, it’s likely that at some point in your running journey you’ve experienced knee pain that has brought you to a halt. And it’s no surprise; running is a high-impact activity that involves […]

Are Ultrasound-Guided Injections for Arthritis More Effective?


Arthritis pain can be downright debilitating. In the search for treatment options, you may have heard about ultrasound-guided injections and wondered what makes them different. Does ultrasound guidance matter? Does it make the injection more effective? What are the benefits? What are ultrasound-guided injections? Ultrasound-guided injections are joint injections (either cortisone shots or gel injections) administered during an ultrasound scan, enabling direct […]